This site is for the presentation of audio and video by Artists who are selected to participate in the ArtFRONT Presentations events. In many cases these are one of a kind live performances from promotional radio broadcasts prior to our live shows.  If You have performed in the ArtFRONT concert series in the past or are scheduled for a future event You are invited to submit work to us for inclusion here.

Occasionally we may feature works by musicians with whom we are currently negotiating a future show, with their permission, or who is on our permanent “wish list.”

The public and fans can leave comments by registering and leaving your remarks and relevant info in the window beneath each of the music or video presentations on our Home page.

This site was originally named ArtFRONT Podcasts and info during the initial “Podcast craze era” (not that long ago,) which over time has developed into more of an outlet for streaming audio presentations. The downloadable aspect of podcasts being perceived as the current portal for financial rewards for their efforts we now try to include links  to many of the artists download sites where You are free to purchase their stuff. (and we encourage You to because it’s good stuff.   The site will continue to develop and be used to host music projects, maybe even Podcasts and other worthy projects as time goes on.  We’ll try to leave the recordings posted as long as possible, until we run out of space and have to make room for more. We may even change the name of the page but the address will stay right here.
~Robin Merrritt
ArtFRONT Presentations

ps  We are currently looking into the best upgrades for our audio and video players which will allow streaming audio & video directly into your iPhone,  IPad,  Android and other mobile devices.  Any suggestions?  We’re all ears.  *As of Nov. 2011. we now have an excellent iPhone playback and some of the Androids seem to work well.  If You wish, read further as I meander off into the realm of  sound presentation tech stuff for mobile devices and computers.

****************Beyond here is an experimental testing zone.*******************

Top player (media-elements.js) Copied from a page that works on My Explorer. (But this page version DOESN’T work in FireFox! Go check the original page in Firefox when it’s convenient.) Also the 2nd one below has the same problem with the volume control as in Explorer. It opens with the volume all the way to the top and no sound. Move the slider down a little and it works.) Maybe adjust the default volume settings if I can find them? Will that make it work?)


“Jellyfish” by Davey MacManus and The Crimea


“Jellyfish” by Davey MacManus and The Crimea