June 18th, 2007 by admin

We only write up concerts that we have enjoyed or been otherwise impressed with, no scathing reviews of shows that bombed…..Updated whenever someone really good comes along. Currently featuring,QOTSA,Queens of The Stone Age, Nora O’Connor, Neko Case,Tift Merritt, Andrew Bird, Freekbass, Leticia Wolf, Buckethead, The Crystal Method, J. Roddy Walston and the Business, Infradig…….
if You are interested in submitting concert reviews to ArtFRONT, We are looking for new, up & coming artists that seem to be having an influence on the direction today's music is going. As well as artists who are just starting out and show great promise. We want to hear about the concerts that You feel were really special and that You are excited enough to spread the word about. All musical styles considered.

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